WWE Home Video Presents: "American Dream - The Dusty Rhodes Story" (3 Official DVDs)
Disc #1 - Documentary Feature on Dusty Rhodes
Extras - Disc #1 - Matches
1. (3/9/73-Chicago, IL) Dusty Rhodes & Dick Murduch vs Dick the Bruiser & The
2. (3/24/73-AWA) (2/3 Falls) Dusty Rhodes & Dick Murduch vs Dick the Bruiser &
The Crusher
3. (10/6/73-AWA) (2/3 Falls) Dusty Rhodes & Dick Murduch vs Don Muraco & Billy
4. (5/14/74-Tampa, FL) Dusty Rhodes & Pak Song vs Eddie & Mike Graham
5. (CWF) (NWA Championship) Terry Funk vs Dusty Rhodes
6. (CWF-St Petersburgh, FL) (NWA Championship-Lumberjack Match) Harley Race vs
Dusty Rhodes
7. (9/26/77-MSG) (WWF Championship) Billy Graham vs Dusty Rhodes
Promos - Promos
8. (CWF) Dusty in the Dressing Room
9. (CWF) Gordon Solie Interviews Dusty Rhodes
10. (10/24/77-MSG) Vince Interviews Dusty Rhodes
11. (11/8/77-MSG) Vince Interviews Dusty Rhodes
Disc #2 - Extras - Matches
1. (12/19/77-MSG) Dusty Rhodes vs Stan Stasiek
2. (12/20/77-Allentown, PA) Dusty Rhodes vs Johnny Rodz
3. (8/28/77-MSG) (No DQ Bullrope-Strongbow Ref) Dusty Rhodes vs Billy Graham
4. (12/17/79-MSG) (NWA Championship) Harley Race vs Dusty Rhodes
5. (6/21/81-Atlanta, GA) (NWA Championship) Harley Race vs Dusty Rhodes
6. (7/6/85-Charlotte, NC) (NWA TV Championship) Tully Blanchard (w/Baby Doll) vs
Dusty Rhodes
7. (7/26/86-Greensboro, NC) (NWA TV Championship) Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes
8. (11/26/87-Chicago, IL) (NWA US Championship) Lex Lugar vs Dusty Rhodes
9. (3/27/88-Greensboro, NC) (Barbed Wire Match) Road Warriors & Dusty Rhodes vs
Powers of Pain & Ivan Koloff
10. (4/3/88-NWA Main Event) (NWA US Championship) Dusty Rhodes vs Ivan Koloff
11. (6/8/88-Miami, FL) (NWA Tag Championship) Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs
Dusty Rhodes & Sting
Disc #2 - Extras - Promos
1. (Championship Wrestling-4/25/78) Interview Dusty Rhodes
2. (1/26/83-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
3. (1/25/84-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
4. (12/25/84-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
5. (4/6/85-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
6. (4/20/85-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
7. (5/4/85 NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
8. (5/7/85-NWA Worldwide) Interview Dusty Rhodes
9. (5/25/85-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
Disc #3 - Extras - Matches
1. (8/28/89-Meadowlands) Dusty Rhodes vs Honkytonk Man (w/Hart)
2. (11/23/89-Chicago, IL) Dusty Rhodes, Brutus Beefcake, Tito Santana & Red
Rooster vs Big Bossman, Honkytonk Man, Badnews Brown, & Rick Martel
3. (4/1/90-Toronto, CA) (Int Rhodes & Sapphire) Randy Savage & Sherri vs Dusty
Rhodes & Sapphire (w/Liz)
4. (11/24/90-MSG) Dusty & Dustin Rhodes vs Virgil & Ted Dibiase
5. (3/12/00-Danbury, CT) Dusty Rhodes vs Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory)
6. (3/18/01-Jacksonville, FL) (Kiss My Ass Match) Dusty & Dustin Rhodes vs Ric
Flair & Jeff Jarrett
Disc #3 - Extras - Promos
1. (7/13/85-NWA WCW) Int Dusty Rhodes & Baby Doll
2. (7/20/85-NWA WCW) Clip Baby Doll & Dusty on the Farm
3. (7/23/85-NWA WWW) Interview Dusty Rhodes & Baby Doll
4. (8/17/85-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
5. (9/10/85-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
6. (9/28/85-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
7. (10/29/85-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
8. (11/16/85-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
9. (12/3/85-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
10. (12/15/85-MACW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
11. (1/4/86-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes & Baby Doll
12. (1/4/86-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes & Baby Doll
13. (6/21/86-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
14. (8/16/86-NWA WCW) Interview Bill Apter w/Dusty Rhodes
15. (2/17/87-NWA WWW) Int Sgt Slaughter & Dusty Rhodes (GCW Wrong Date on DVD)
16. (3/19/88-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
17. (5/21/88-NWA WCW) Interview Dusty Rhodes
18. (6/3/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty Delievers Pizza
19. (6/10/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty The Butcher
20. (6/17/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty Pumps Gas
21. (6/24/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty Picks up Horse Shit
22. (7/1/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty The Plumber
23. (7/8/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty The Garbage Man
24. (7/15/89-WWF Superstars) Dusty at the Diner
25. (7/22/89-WWF Superstars) Brother Love w/Dusty Rhodes
26. (9/29/89-WWF Challenge) Interview Dusty Rhodes
27. (10/7/89-WWF Superstars) Interview Dusty Rhodes
28. (10/7/89-WWF Superstars) Brother Love w/Dusty Rhodes
29. (1/27/90-SNMW) Interview Dusty & Sapphire
30. (5/12/90-WWF Superstars) Brother Love w/Dusty & Sapphire
31. (6/2/90-Challenge) Interview Dusty Rhodes & Sapphire
32. (9/15/90-Challenge) Interview Dusty Rhodes
33. (12/22/90-Superstars) Brother Love w/Dusty & Dustin Rhodes
34. (12/29/90-Challenge) Interview Dusty & Dustin Rhodes
35. (5/5/97-Raw) Int Goldust w/Marlena