The Rise and Fall of WCW (3 Official DVDs)
Date Released: 8/25/09
Disc #1
Documentary Feature on The History of WCW
Special Features
1. Lost in Cleveland - Dusty Rhodes on the Cactus Jack Skits
2. Bill Watts Defends Himself
3. Spam Man - Dr. Harvey Schiller
4. The Origin of Goldberg
5. Bischoff gives away Raw Results
Disc #2
1. (6/15/85-Atlanta, GA) (Int Ric Flair & Magnum TA) Ric Flair vs Magnum TA
2. (3/31/88-Spartanburg, SC) Ric Flair, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
(w/Dillon) vs Sting, Leg Lugar & Barry Windham
3. (7/10/88-Baltimore, MD) (NWA US Championship) Barry Windham (w/Dillon) vs
Dusty Rhodes
4. (2/20/89-Chicago, IL) (NWA Championship) Ric Flair (w/Matsuda) vs Ricky
5. (2/25/90-Greensboro, NC) Rock n Roll Express vs Midnight Express (w/Jim
6. (7/7/90-Baltimore, MD) (NWA US Championship) Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)
vs Southern Boys
7. (5/19/91-St. Petersburg, FL) (WCW Tag Championship) Rick & Scott Steiner vs
Lex Lugar & Sting
8. (7/12/92-Albany, GA) (WCW Championship) Sting vs Van Vader (w/Race)
9. (4/17/94-Chicago, IL) (WCW International Championship) Rick Rude vs Sting
10. (7/17/94-Orlando, FL) (WCW Championship) Ric Flair (w/Sherri) vs Hulk Hogan
(w/Jimmy Hart)
Disc #3
1. (4/29/96-Albany, GA) (WCW Championship) Ric Flair (w/Woman & Elizabeth) vs
The Giant (w/Hart)
2. (8/15/96-Denver, CO) (WCW Cruiserweight CHampionship) Rey Mysterio jr vs Dean
3. (9/15/96-Winston-Salem, NC) (Wargames) Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash &
NWO Sting (w/Dibiase) vs Sting, Lex Lugar, Ric Flair & Arn Anderson
4. (1/25/97-Cedar Rapids, IA) (WCW US Championship-Ladder Match) Eddie Guerrero
vs Syxx
5. (3/16/97-North Charleston, SC) (WCW US Championship) Eddie Guerrero vs Dean
6. (2/22/98-Superbrawl) (WCW Cruiserweight Championship) Chris Jericho vs
Juventud Guerrera
7. (2/22/98-Superbrawl) (WCW Tag Championship) Steiner Brothers (w/Dibiase) vs
Kevin Nash & Scott Hall (w/Rhodes)
8. (7/12/98-San Diego, CA) Hulk Hogan & Dennis Rodman (w/Disciple) vs Dallas
Page & Karl Malone
9. (10/25/98-Las Vegas, NV) (WCW Championship) Bill Goldberg vs Dallas Page
10. (8/7/00-Denver, CO) (WCW Championship) Booker T vs Lance Storm